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The N3JCJ(sk) Memorial POTA rove Mar 18, 2024 amateur radio & musings & POTA My dad died on Jan 30, 2024. I spent half of January whammied while I recovered from Across the Years, and the other half on the East Coast helping Wallypark Stupidity Feb 26, 2024 musings Last Thursday my wife and I flew out to the east coast to attend the memorial service for my father. We parked our car at the Wallypark parking Get Home Bag/EDC Bag May 15, 2023 musings & amateur radio I got a good start on an EDC backpack/bag. This has prompted some thinking about what belongs in an EDC bag, and how much such a bag can weigh. So Losing Weight -- Part Two: Mid Effort Results Mar 27, 2023 ultrarunning & musings Continuing with the thread started in Losing Weight — Part One, we’ve reached the end of the caloric restriction phase of the first cycle of our Auto Mechanics, Tech Support, Doctors Feb 21, 2023 musings When my car isn’t working, I can take it to our favorite auto repair place. The folks there will listen carefully to what I tell them, ask some An Open Letter to Web Designers Feb 19, 2023 musings & www Look, I understand that the goal of most websites is to make money. I’m not opposed to commercialism. But you all are designing websites that are Doing Hard Things Feb 17, 2023 ultrarunning & musings Thinking more on my views on Brad Stulberg, I’ve noticed a semi-useful distinction that you can use to classify what I’ll call ‘Personal Development Statistics and Preparedness Jan 6, 2023 amateur radio & musings Being part of the amateur radio world, and being predisposed to preparedness on my own anyway, I rub shoulders with a lot of people for whom Covid Forgiveness Nov 6, 2022 musings Quite a few people are weighing in on Emily Oster’s call for forgiving and forgetting mistakes made during the Covid-19 pandemic. My answer to Ms. Paypal And Acceptable Use Policies Oct 14, 2022 musings There’s been a brouhaha recently about Paypal’s revisions to its acceptable use policy. In brief, the new policy allowed Paypal to fine users who Bad Influence Friends Oct 4, 2022 ultrarunning & musings I was recovering from an ankle injury, and was nearly all healed up. We were about to go on a trip where we would see some of our ultrarunning Skills are better than stuff Oct 2, 2022 musings & amateur radio (I’m giving this an amateur radio tag although it is only tangentially related to radio. So many hams are into emergency preparedness, it makes Analog Thinking Sep 24, 2022 musings Date Sep 24, 2022 A pretty common model of how we go about thinking is this: We think using our brain, and other parts of our body are not More on Hamster Sep 11, 2022 ultrarunning & musings Photo credit: Takao Suzuki It’s now four weeks on from Hamster Endurance Runs. The photo above, taken by Takao Suzuki about 15 seconds after I told Burn it down Sep 7, 2022 musings Just this morning, I’ve observed several political pundits and at least one ‘activist movement’ express sentiments which boil down to ‘if I don’t My Relationship With Computing Sep 6, 2022 musings A week ago I was at a dinner party celebrating the opening of a new production of King John at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. It was a festive Rewards Sep 3, 2022 musings & ultrarunning Last year, at about 10am on Sunday, August 15th, I was running Hamster Endurance Runs, and I was about 27 hours in. I was deeply behind on calories, Failure Aug 25, 2022 ultrarunning & musings “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill At Hamster Endurance, I ran 67.6 Diversity and Inclusion Jul 19, 2022 musings & amateur radio I’m still thinking about Dan Romanchik KB6NU’s post about inclusion and amateur radio regarding one club having a chaplain and starting meetings Bob Becker's 2022 Badwater 135 Finish Jul 14, 2022 ultrarunning & musings “The point is reached when fatigue drives us back into ourselves, into those secluded parts of our souls that we discover only under times of such Inclusion Jul 11, 2022 amateur radio & musings Dan KB6NU opines on this reddit post about an amateur radio club that starts meetings with the group chaplain offering an invocation: Hello, newbie Compelled Speech Jul 6, 2022 musings “My prison will be my grave before I budge a jot, for I owe my conscience to no mortal man.” - William Penn When I was in second grade, I got in Aphorisms Jun 6, 2022 musings & ultrarunning Since 2012, it’s been my habit to come up with one aphorism which I think sums up my experience of that year. Here’s the list. (Attributions where I Bank of Badass May 30, 2022 ultrarunning & musings “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” - Jack London Yesterday’s run: the second of two back-to-back 12 milers. In Awakenings May 27, 2022 ultrarunning & musings “Awakenings are always terrifying, as they force you to realize that your past has been lived in confinement. The most disturbing part is when you Web Hosting Issues May 25, 2022 musings & WWW & I’ve no final thoughts on this, just a bunch of loosely organized observations. Some of this is based on my search for a web/blog hosting service Bad Runs May 23, 2022 ultrarunning & musings “If one could run without getting tired, I don’t think one would often want to do anything else.” - C. S. Lewis Sometimes you do the day’s run and Squarespace,, and Me May 22, 2022 www & musings I kept a blog on photography from 2006 to 2010. It was fun although eventually it just drifted to a stop. That blog was hosted first on Broken Leg Day May 20, 2022 ultrarunning & musings I think of May 20th as ‘Broken Leg Day’, because on May 20, 2015, my dogs broke my leg. You would think that having a broken leg would be considered The Powerpointing of the WWW May 12, 2022 musings When the urge to have a website/blog returned recently, I looked around at the obvious blogging platforms. Wordpress was just more complicated than DFL > DNF > DNS > DNT Apr 22, 2022 ultrarunning & musings I’m a fan of Seth Godin. I envy both his clarity of thinking, and his ability to articulate his thinking clearly and concisely. He writes: The Sometimes There's Only the Hard Way Apr 7, 2022 musings & ultrarunning “Sometimes there’s not a better way. Sometimes there’s only the hard way”. — Mary Pearson I don’t know where that quote is from; some young adult The Death of the WWW Apr 7, 2022 musings & www I’ve been slowly realizing that the era of the world wide web having much utility seems drawing to a close. Partly this seems to be an effect of Sometimes things get better Apr 4, 2022 musings This Stihl 021 chainsaw has been a trusty companion/tool for a long time. It was given to us as a gift in, oh, 2000 or so. So it’s at least 22 years Social Media Mar 20, 2022 musings Sometimes people ask how to follow me or contact me using social media. The answer is that I don’t use social media at all. I don’t use Facebook