I was recovering from an ankle injury, and was nearly all healed up. We were about to go on a trip where we would see some of our ultrarunning friends, with whom we had run across the Grand Canyon. And I was at my PT appointment with Susie the PT because of the ankle problem. I was hoping she’d tell me it was ok to go for a run with those friends. I also knew she was going to think it was a bad idea.
The conversation went more or less like this:
Me: We’re going on a trip next week. Do you think I’m OK to go for a little run with some friends?
Susie the PT: Sure, a little run would be ok as long as you take it easy. (pause to look at me with suspicion) Wait, how long will this run be?
Me: (trying to look innocent) Oh, you know, not far.
Susie the PT: (more suspicious) You’re thinking something stupid, like ten miles, aren’t you? Wait a minute! (long pause while she looks hard at me) These are your Grand Canyon ultrarunning friends, aren’t they?
Me: Well… sort of. Ok, yes.
Susie the PT: No! You may not go for a ‘short run’ with your ultrarunning friends, because a ‘short run’ will be 15 miles or something. If you run you have to run solo and no further than 3 miles. If you go run with your ultrarunning friends you will blow right past 3 miles, because your ultrarunning friends are a Bad Influence. They are Bad Influence Friends!
I have two points to make about this: