Paul Butzi |||


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An Open Letter to Web Designers Feb 19, 2023 musings & www Look, I understand that the goal of most websites is to make money. I’m not opposed to commercialism. But you all are designing websites that are Web Hosting Issues May 25, 2022 musings & WWW & I’ve no final thoughts on this, just a bunch of loosely organized observations. Some of this is based on my search for a web/blog hosting service Squarespace,, and Me May 22, 2022 www & musings I kept a blog on photography from 2006 to 2010. It was fun although eventually it just drifted to a stop. That blog was hosted first on The Death of the WWW Apr 7, 2022 musings & www I’ve been slowly realizing that the era of the world wide web having much utility seems drawing to a close. Partly this seems to be an effect of